Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bite Your Tongue

What do you do when times are hard? Slam doors, yell?

I've been guilty of these things, it's been a long time, because I worked out, they DON"T work.

I have a husband who sometimes doesn't listen because he often thinks he's right (he is a man), but it's so much better to let them think they are.

I thought up a phrase years ago...."BITE YOUR TONGUE TILL IT BLEEDS" and I love... Tom Cruise "only fight the fight the fights worth fighting".


Putting fun in our marriage has always been important.

On Saturday we went bowling, so funny.

Hopeless, the pair of us, but we giggled, didn't care what anyone else thought and had fun.

We go "away" for weekends, often only 20 minutes away, stay in a nice hotel, have room service, go and see a show and turn off the technology, mini holiday 2 or 3 times a year, book it in, amazing what a change of scenery does, Fun!

Heartbreak Hill

Marriage is no sprint, it's a hard slogged marathon, though often with a bit of a fun run thrown in, and of course there's a heartbreak hill for good measure.

Now you see I'm making references to City Surf in Sydney, but what a great picture it paints.

You start fast, slow down, hit some difficult spots then head to the finish line…as NIKE says…just do it

An Extra Blanket

I woke up this morning with an extra blanket on me.

Dean had already gone to work, he always leaves very early, and "always" kisses me goodbye.

But today it was a bit chilly, thus the blanket.

Marriage is so much about serving one another.....I don't mean being a servant.

It's the little things, opening a door, making a coffee, or putting on a blanket.

No Bed of Roses

Sometimes I think who is this man I married? Then there are other times when I am filled with wonder for the man I married.

But marriage is no bed of roses, and even if it was, it would be very prickly.

A good marriage has compromise, not on values, but on the the daily things, some big some small, but none worth losing a marriage over.

First thoughts

I want to share thoughts on marriage not because I know more, because we are on the journey after 29 years of marriage.

We've been through some tough and wonderful times, what got us through? Persistance.
I'll tell you too, I can't take credit, Dean did the work in that area.

I walked away, but he was so persistant, that each time I gave in, and I'm so grateful that I did because this is the best time of our lives.